Does Teeth Whitening Require a License?

Patient Asking If Teeth Whitening Requires a License?

Teeth Whitening Licenses are required if your business is located in specific states around the country. 

Texas is one state where you do not need a license. California and Florida on the other hand, are two states that do require your business to hold a license. Contact your state board to determine the full details to receive your license.

Teeth Whitening License Information & Background

The current teeth whitening boom continues to gain popularity, with self-care and cosmetic enhancements topping service requests in offices nationwide. Adding teeth whitening to your list of services is a wise choice for many reasons, with increased patient satisfaction, more referrals, and added revenue, to name a few. 

With in-office teeth whitening sales reaching over $1.75 billion in 2021, and over 40 million Americans investing in these cosmetic procedures, it's a clear choice for any practice looking to elevate its services.

Once a dental practice decides to offer professional teeth whitening services, they’ll want to make sure everything is in place to launch a successful program. This includes training, waivers, and insurance, all of which vary by state. Many companies may promise that their system offers it all, but fall short with support and education. Dental professionals are faced with enough obstacles daily- teeth whitening shouldn't be one of them!

Our mission is to provide the most innovative, complete whitening system for modern dental practices. Curious about teeth whitening business licenses or what insurance is needed? Let’s break down some of the logistics that come with offering professional teeth whitening to help you run a safe, lucrative cosmetic service.

What Teeth Whitening Education is Offered? 

With many different options and delivery methods of teeth whitening available, education is a vital component when starting to offer this service. Choose a company that prioritizes staff training. Everyone in your office should be on board as it allows for a seamless transition, not to mention improved patient safety and care.

At GLO Science Pro, we believe your team should be well-versed in all aspects of our whitening system, from application to sales. To assist, we’ve created valuable educational material and training, available for download on our website. Through videos and courses, your office will gain valuable clinical skills while building expertise in professional whitening. Some professional training options include.

  • GLO In-Office Whitening Certification- This one-hour course includes everything you need to know to deliver a GLO Chairside Whitening treatment in your practice, plus helpful tips and tricks to keep you and your patients smiling!
  • In-Office Whitening Step-By-Step- A quick yet comprehensive video that explains how easy it is to set up and use our new Pro Power Plus in-office whitening system. It’s the perfect refresher for new or existing staff members. 
  • Autoclavable Mouthpiece Care Instructions- This free download breaks down how to care for our universal mouthpiece.
  • How to Bleed the Dual Barrel Syringe- Proper delivery of our whitening gel is a must. This video breaks it down step-by-step to ensure the least amount of sensitivity.

You’ll find all of these and more free on our website!

What Type of Insurance Do I Need For Teeth Whitening? 

Because all of our products are professional grade, we only sell our PRO line to licensed dental practices. Insurance varies from state to state (and practice to practice) based on needs and patient population, but we strongly suggest anyone choosing to use professional whitening systems is insured. Failure to do so may result in inadequate protection from claims, should they arise. 

While our products are safe and FDA-registered, it’s crucial to protect yourself, your staff, and your business. We recommend consulting with your insurance agent to discuss the best premiums for your practice.

Does My Customer Need to Sign A Waiver? 

The risk of adverse effects is low, but we still encourage having all whitening patients sign a waiver before treatment. This protects you both should the patient experience any side effects and also ensures that the treatment (and any possible risks) was discussed with the patient. 

Although our whitening system is designed to eliminate sensitivity, a minimal number of patients may report some discomfort, typically within the first 24 hours after treatment. Most patients who experience any discomfort consider it to be mild, but it can vary between individuals. Any discomfort will generally subside within 24 to 36 hours but may last longer for a small number of patients.

Is A Training Course Necessary to Add Teeth Whitening to My Business? 

Today's dental practices are constantly evolving, making training and professional development a key factor in their growth. Professional whitening training courses are a great way to educate your staff on the many components of a successful program. 

To complement your whitening business, GLO offers a Motivational Shade Assessment Course. In just thirty minutes, learn how to incorporate this simple yet effective technique into every hygiene visit, building awareness of tooth shade and whitening potential with your patients. 

You’ll also want to choose a professional whitening system that supports your office with demonstrations and training from experienced sales representatives. Seeing how a system works in person makes all the difference! Your practice deserves to offer the best whitening system available anywhere so your patients, team, and business can benefit. 

Our team of experts is there with you every step of the way, making it easy for you to build a successful whitening program that contributes to overall patient satisfaction and practice growth. 

Does Teeth Whitening Require a License in Texas? 

A dental license is not required to open or operate a professional teeth whitening program in Texas. The Texas Board of Dental Examiners states that they don't have jurisdiction over such matters, resulting in unlicensed operators of teeth whitening services. 

While many cosmetic practices may run a safe and successful whitening business, GLO Science Professional will only distribute our line to licensed dentists. These businesses may consider carrying our retail line, available for purchase online and at Sephora.

Does Teeth Whitening Require a License In Florida? 

Currently, Florida allows dental hygienists to give whitening treatments, but dental assistants are not allowed to administer the same treatments. We continually stress the importance of customers seeking professional whitening services from a licensed dental professional to ensure the safety and efficacy of the procedure. Following these guidelines protects both the patient and the practice.

Does Teeth Whitening Require a License in California? 

California dental professionals are governed by the California Business and Professions Code (CBPC) and the California Code of Regulations (CCR). Under state law, only registered dental professionals may perform professional whitening services. Any unregistered providers are not permitted to apply bleaching agents, nor are they permitted to activate bleaching agents with a curing device. 

Do I Need to Take a Whitening Test? 

Because GLO Science Pro only distributes our line to licensed dental professionals, no additional test is required. We do, however, offer a Success Starter Set, a turnkey system to help offices seamlessly incorporate GLO into their practice. It includes everything needed to set up your brand-new whitening program, along with clear instructions for your entire team. Communication, marketing, and education are the foundation of a successful whitening business, and our staff is here to assist throughout the process. 

At GLO Science, we understand that the products and services your practice delivers are a direct reflection of the business you’ve worked so hard to establish. That’s why we’ve created all the tools needed to ensure the utmost safety and success in a professional whitening program. Helping you provide the best care for your patients is at the heart of everything we do. We've drawn on decades of clinical and practice management experience to create products that maximize patient comfort and results while simultaneously optimizing production, team satisfaction, and efficiency.

Our products prioritize patient safety while also supporting clinicians and office staff. To learn more about bringing GLO’s professional whitening services to your practice, visit

Does Teeth Whitening Require a License?

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